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Lower Extremity Physical Examination - 2.0CE Credits

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Lower Extremity Physical Examination This video will allow you to be comfortable performing a physical examination of the legs and feet. Whether you are performing routine foot care or lower extremity wound care, this program is a must. Learn a sequenced examination of the four organ systems represented in the lower extremity; Vascular, Neurology, Musculoskeletal, Dermatology. A subjective exam plus non-invasive testing are covered in detail. After completing this program you will have the confidence you need to perform a general lower extremity exam and understand your findings. You will also earn 2.0 Nursing CEUs. The Program: 1. General principles of a lower extremity examination 2. Dermatology Examination Recognize common conditions: tinea, verruca, hyperkeratosis, porokeratosis Toenail Pathology: pathologic nail discolorations (dark lines), onychomycosis, onycholysis, subungual hematoma, clubbed nails, Mee's lines 3. Musculoskeletal Examination Joint examination: range of motion, strength, passive vs reactive Common deformities: hammertoes, bunions, overlapping toes, metatarsalgia, hallux abducto valgus 4. Vascular Examination Objective signs of Lower Extremity Vascular Disease Non-invasive testing demonstrations: Doppler, ABI, TBI, temperature, capillary refill and pedal pulses Common pathologies: stasis dermatitis, thrombophlebitis, pitting and non-pitting edema 5. Neurological Examination Non-Invasive Testing: Semmes-Weinstein 10gm/5.07 Monofilament, DTRs, Vibration Proprioception, fine touch Motor, sensory & autonomic neuropathy Objectives After viewing this program, you will be better able to: Describe physical changes to the skin that indicate long standing vascular insufficiency List 3 skin conditions commonly found on the foot Describe the progression (regrowth) of a nail after a subungual hematoma forms List 3 musculoskeletal foot deformities Name the 4 directions that the foot is moved at the ankle to test range of motion

American Foot Care Nurses Association
15731 NE 8th St #7029     Bellevue, WA 98008-4538
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